Most asked questions
Click here to log in and access the self-service portal. By logging in, you can access your case(s) and manage your account.
You can also contact us 27/4. Reach out to us if you have any questions regarding your case, can’t access your account, or need to solve any issue.
If you do not recognise the account we have written to you about please contact us and we will investigate.
There are a number of ways that you can pay, please click here for a list options.
At Intrum we pride ourselves upon providing excellent customer service. Should we fail to meet your expectations or you are dissatisfied with the service we provide, please tell us.
Please contact us to make a complaint or download our complaint form here and send to us at
We are a debt purchase and collection company. We buy unpaid loan, credit card, store card and other debts from banks, credit card companies, retailers, and utility & telecom providers. We also collect debts on behalf of other lenders and goods and service-providers.
When we buy your account, the money you owe on this account is owed to Intrum instead of the original lender. We want to work with you to help you clear your debts. We always take your financial circumstances into account and set up an affordable payment plan that allows you to repay your debts and get on with your life.
Please contact us to talk this through with one of our customer service representatives.
In September 2024, Mars Capital Finance Limited rebranded to Intrum Mortgages UK Finance Limited. Intrum Mortgages buy and manage hundreds of millions of pounds worth of mortgages. We are the legal owners of these accounts and pride ourselves on helping our customers work towards owning their own homes outright. Intrum Mortgages UK Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA number 459016) and is part of the Intrum Group. Intrum Mortgages is also a member of UK Finance.
For more information relating to our Intrum Mortgages business, such as news articles, answers to questions and contact details, please visit the customer website here
Have you received a debt collection notice?
Let us help you with your debt
Get in touch and we will support youNeed help with your mortgage account?
Visit, formally known as Mars CapitalTips & Advice