Pay now
Pay now using our self-service portal
Pay without logging in
If you would prefer to make payment immediately without speaking to us or using the portal, please use our 24-hour Automated Payment Hotline.
Please call 0330 333 4380 and follow the instructions on your phone.
Pay by Online Banking
If you are an Intrum Mortgages customer and you wish to make a payment, the below bank details MUST NOT be used. Visit for more information or to make a mortgage payment.
Use online banking to pay us directly using these details, quoting your Intrum Reference Number:
Sort Code: 60-00-01
Account No: 40524639
Set up your preferred method
Contact Intrum to discuss the possibility of a reasonable installment arrangement by way of Direct Debit or standing order. Alternatively, you can make an offer to us by completing the Direct Debit form below and return it to us at:
Intrum Limited, PO Box 278, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7WB
Pay by post
You can pay by cheque(s) or postal order(s) payable to Intrum Limited quoting your Intrum Reference Number on the reverse. Please send your payment to:
Intrum Limited, PO Box 278, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7WB
Call us to pay
You can speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives who can assist you in making a payment.
Tips & Advice